Volunteer Trees

Generally trees are thought of as a good thing, as in the case of weeds, the wrong plant in the wrong place, sometimes they are not. I have had ash trees germinate in my yard, or in my landscape .
In this sheet I call them volunteer trees, these are trees that come from a seed instead of a sucker. These trees can be controlled with an herbicide, where suckers are attached to a parent tree and may effected by an herbicide application, including death.
Trees that will often produce suckers are; tree of heaven, honeylocust, hackberry, cottonwood, aspen, poplar, willow and more.
Pulling and/or pruning-out these trees is an option of control. Many trees will resprout after pruning, some trees that will resprout include; siberian elm, hackberry, aspen, ash, cottonwood, maple, sycamore, willow and more.
FL Brush Killer Stump Killer, HY Triclopyr Ester or HY Triclopyr 4, may be mixed with water and sprayed over the yard, not hurting cool season grasses.
HY Spreader Sticker must be added to the mix for it to be effective, without Spreader Sticker you will see little to no results and must make two applications, 7 to 14 days apart.
Next, FL Brush Killer Stump Killer, HY Triclopyr Ester or HY Triclopyr 4, can be applied undiluted to cut trees. On larger trees they say to apply within 30 to 45 min of a cut, but on small trees they recommend within 5 to 10 minutes for best absorption.
Even on super-hot days, we can get away with watering 1 time to keep the soil nice and moist, even though it’s 100 degrees outside. We will use the EZ Wet once a month through the hot, dry part of the summer to help the soil retain the moisture a little bit longer.
When applying around desirable plants such as the bottom image use a foam paint brush. Put the chemical in a container, dip the brush into the chemical, press along the edge until it doesn’t dribble, then dab it on the cut.
Applications on cuts may be made in the spring, summer or fall. When spraying on lawns, late spring/early summer or fall applications are more effective, avoid winter or the heat of the summer.