Horticultural Oil Vs. Dormant Oil
Ferti-lome Horticultural Oil
- Contains: 80% Mineral Oil (Highly Refined)
- Has NO Temperature Restrictions.
- Dormant: Will work if it freezes after the application dries. Growing Season: Will NOT burn plants when used at over 100° if plants are hydrated, (watered, not drought stressed).
- May be used on evergreens, will not remove waxy coating on needles.
- Also has surface fungus control properties.
- This is your BEST Spidermite Control!
- Apply any time of the year!
Both Oils control almost all stages of insects; eggs, nymphs and adults, by suffocation.
HY Dormant Spray
- Contains: 98.8% Mineral Oil
- Has Temperature Restrictions. Dormant: Use on a day over 50° where it doesn’t freeze for 24 hours afterwards.
Growing Season: Will burn plants when used at or over 90°. Can burn, even if sprayed after dark if temp is over 90°. - May NOT be used on evergreens, it will remove the waxy coating on needles.
- Has NO surface fungus control properties.
- Apply in the Early Spring or Late Fall.
Always spray oils in the early morning.