Chiggers, also known as “red bugs” are a type of mite that are known to bite and leave a red pimple-like bump. They are normally found in damp areas with low growing shrubs and areas of tall grass and weeds, but also may be in drier locations such as lawns, parks and golf courses.
The distribution of chiggers is usually patchy, with individuals concentrated in certain areas and nearly absent in an adjoining area. One person may sit in an area of high concentration and be attacked, while someone sitting only a few yards away may not be bitten at all.
Adults overwinter and emerge as the soil warms up, then they lay eggs on foliage. The eggs hatch and after about 12 days the larval stage, called a Chigger is ready to feed. It finds a host and feeds on the skin cells for about 3 days, then falls from the host. After 7 to 10 days it becomes a nymph, then after 14 to 30 days it emerges as an adult, this is the Red Bug stage and it feeds on plant material and small arthropods.
Before spraying or applying a granule, mow and keep the area mowed to reduce the attractiveness for them to populate that area, also spray or remove excess weeds and shrubs. One of the most effective products on Chiggers is the Hi-Yield Dusting and Wettable Sulfur. Apply the dust over the whole area, 4 lb. per 2,000 sq. ft. repeat every 7 days as needed.
If you want something with a little more kick, then Hi-Yield 38 Plus can be sprayed up to 4 times/year, 10 to 14 days apart. Hi-Yield Bug Blaster is available in an RTS if you don’t have a sprayer, or a concentrate if you do. Repeat in 10 to 14 days.
Hi-Yield Bug Blaster is available in an RTS if you don’t have a sprayer, or a concentrate if you do. Repeat in 10 to 14 days. Turf Ranger is a longer lasting granule for the yard, Kill-a-Bug II is a faster acting granule, not as long lasting.
Apply and lightly water to activate the chemical. As always add Spreader Sticker to your spray to get it to adhere better and last longer.